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Updated: 10 years 45 weeks ago

2004 Copper Water Service - Am I seeing what I think I see?

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 02:00
Please see photos of the copper water service below. There is a button shaped object on the tubing just below the valve with lots of calcification around it. Looks like a nail head to me though I don't see any rust. It wasn't leaking at the time so there was no way I was going to scrape or touch it to try to determine what kind of material it was.

What say you?

Large pics follow

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Leaning Chimney

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 01:43
This one was easy to identify as it had not been patched or gaps concealed.

Other signs can be apparent even when not significantly out of level, thought I'd share.

I'd say that one of the most common signs of rotation or similar defect is a V or tapered crack where firebox meets face of fireplace, such as brick or similar. Maybe you've seen repaired grout in this area?

By the way, not in Bev Hills today :D

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Construction Inspector For Syracuse NY Required

Wed, 04/10/2013 - 00:08
I am looking for Qualified Construction Inspector for a 8 to 10 month project in the Syracuse NY area. This requires prior experience with reviewing Specifications, Understanding Performance Requirements and Writing Reports for client. Wages will be in area of $100.00 per hour for a 5 day week and reasonable expenses and mileage. If you have these qualifications and are interested please email CV and availability to


Roger Frost

Any Condo specific insection tips

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 22:00
Good day Americas finest.....I am inspecting a condo for my first time soon. Other then some stuff being common to both sides, I am assuming this will be pretty much like a regular home inspection. Do any of you condo inspection veterans have a different view. Is there anything more to a condo inspection? any addittional criteria?
Thank you
mike in MN

Home manuals for your report binder

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 21:23
I recently ordered a case of "Now you've had a home inspection" booklets which I include with my home inspection binders - Clients love them. Unfortunately when they got to the Canadian border and UPS called me and said $56.00 for brokerage fees. The order was only $108.00. Shipping was $57.42, add the brokerage fee of $56.00 and your talking $113.00 additional for a $108.00 order.
Has anybody found a Canadian distributor with a similar booklet?

Best Regards,
Clive Peacock

Shared venting

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 20:17
The water heater and furnace are both fueled by natural gas. They are sharing the same flue and the y-adapter is slightly bigger than furnace flue. My client is getting a weird smell at the top of the basement steps recently around the corner on rear side of block chimney. I'm thinking blowback because of the shared flues and both appliances are about 20 years old. Her HVAC guy has been there and says there are no issue with anything. I am thinking the water heater flue NEEDS to be separated from the Y-Adapter and installed higher up. Any recommendations?
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Updated "Call Me" Button

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 18:22
Dave V. - Thanks for the great work on the call me buttons, I was wondering if it would be possible to have one with a smartphone/iPhone/Android looking phone on it? :)

InterNACHI Ben Gromicko Presents at the 2013 ACI National Home Performance Conference

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 17:51
Attachment 63993
2013 ACI National Home Performance Conference
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 to Friday, May 3, 2013
Denver, Colorado
Check out the list of presenters at

Ben Gromicko will be presenting upon how to educate homeowners with Home Energy Reports™, which is a free reporting software provided by InterNACHI to all home inspectors and home energy professionals.
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ASHI finally agrees to work to eliminate any public claim that they are the largest.

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 17:27
We are giving ASHI, their chapters, and their members time to correct their websites, brochures, etc.

Read ASHI's concession letter from their attorney:
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Opening Electrical Service Panels

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 03:03
Do you open electrical service panels (remove the normal panel cover if necessary) to check or verify the condition of the electrical wiring, etc?

If not why not?

Are home inspectors obliged to comply the Occupational Health and Safety ACT?

Just curious of what others do and consider as a normal safe inspection practice when dealing with the electrical service inspection.


Inspector Needed Los Angeles So So cali

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 02:42
PT (3 to 5 a week +) Looking for someone with experience, tools etc...
  • I'll cover insurance
  • We may supply IR camera
  • split: 70 U /30 us
  • Must possess general contractors license
Please no calls, just Email me:

Gas Fireplace using Class A vent

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 02:21
The home I inspected today use to have a wood burning stove. A class A vent is installed. A free standing gas fireplace has replaced the wood burning. The gas fireplace vents into the Class A vent. Is this ok. I understand Class A is generally used for high temperature fuels such as wood or oil. Since the class A is designed for high temperatures is there any reason why it could not be used for gas which is cooler. I feel as though it is ok but as you see in the left side of the photo, the neighbors had the same conversion and their installer ran a B vent through the Class A.
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1,000,000 Posts

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 02:05
I'm sure Nick will be posting this soon...


InterNACHI's inspector message board just got its one millionth post!

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 02:05
Congratulations to member Billy Boerner for making our one millionth message board post.

I'll list the prizes you've won next.

Anyone Currently Do Cowboy Acton Shooting or Used To?

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 01:27
I am considering doing this as a once a month hobby. I have a authentich Winchester hammer action pump shotgun that I think qualifies and a couple of Ruger black powder 44's but no lever-action in pistol caliber. Looking for advice or just someone to chat with about the hobby.

It looks like a fun way to spend one Saturday a month in the morning.

I would be the youngest one in the group also from what I saw last Saturday :D

A little corny but I bet I would not be thinking about my problems while playing cowboy

Please Protect Your Eyes

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 22:33
Last week I was entering an attic area and a contractor inquired about my face mask and filters. He was wondering why I was not wearing eye protection when going into the attic area. I explained that I have always worn a mask to filter out organics etc. and have never had a problem. He went on to tell me about a co-worker of his that lost an eye because he refused to wear eye protection when re-mediating for mold.

None of us would be in business if we lost our vision.

After that inspection I ordered one of these.
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Use this simple marketing strategy to get more annual inspections from your clients.

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 22:16
This is the new back page of the book "Now That You've Had a Home Inspection."

Staple your home inspection business card to this page before you give your clients the book.
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PRO-LAB Do it yourself Mold Test Kit

Mon, 04/08/2013 - 21:32
I am not sure how long this product has been marketed by PRO-LAB but I found it at Home Depot for $13.98 cdn. "Do it yourself test kit for Mold" They indicate if you want an air quality test then you have to buy two kits because you have to put one outside as a control to compare indoor to outdoor air quality (Hmm I thought I wanted two samples taken outside). No mention of snow or temperature concern. You receive a petri dish, a Q tip and a small bottle of solution to pour on the petri dish. It's so simple a monkey could do it. You simply let the solution harden, which shouldn't be to tough for the control sample because it was 15 degrees below Celsius last night. The one you use in the building after it hardens sits on top of a supply duct for 10 minutes, then you put the lid on and let it incubate for 48 hours. They go on to say that if you see different mold on an indoor sample that you don't see outside send it to the lab with $30 and they will let you know what you have. I have to wonder how IAC2 would feel about this products effectiveness and value.