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Updated: 11 years 34 weeks ago

Some Pictures from South Korea

Mon, 04/01/2013 - 06:55
Hi folks!

While I'm busy developing InterNACHI features, I'm also slowly traveling the world. I've set up Skype so it will call my phone with a US number, so anyone can still call me at any time without international fees. Here's a few pictures from South Korea!

The strange statues are actually from a town that worships phalluses. The row of animals are based on the Chinese zodiac, each pictured inside a phallus. Hopefully that doesn't offend anyone. I just think it's fascinating that there's an entire national park devoted to it. The world is strange!

There's also a picture of some strange Korean plumbing, at a motel.
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How do you propose to stop these kinds of problems, got milk?

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 19:37
How would you, what would you propose to fix,repair,stop these kinds of problems.........

Eh umm, those photos of deteriorated blocks, inside and outside, there are quite a few homeowners who have that shtt and one reason why the inside system terds will COVER,HIDE at least PART of the bottom of the basement wall(s), yep. They don't want anyone, the homeowners, the NEXT HOMEOWNER, a home inspector, city inspector etc to SEE the deterioration they covered up, they didn't correctly identify and didn't fix, got that?

Efflorescence.....this guy 'gets-it', OBVIOUSLY many others do NOT!
in part says, "The best way to prevent the problem is to prevent water from infiltrating the blocks.......Whenever we see this problem, there is usually a leak somewhere that ALLOWS water to ENTER the block wall...."

Find it, find the problem(s), then fix the problem then clean the dumb efflorescence.
Can't do that by misguiding,misinforming people and telling them INCOMPETENT DOGSHTT like, Oh 80%-99% of all peoples problems/leaks are due to the GRADE......nonsense.

Omni Basement Systems $20,000 interior system

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 18:58
Says, for about $3,000 you can get a 'partial' system' lololol.
$20,000 for this junk here, block wall....and lady, this isn't 'waterproofing'
Jesus, 'COVERING the wall'....aka hiding the wall and allowing further water to enter and run into a stooopid interior system is NOT 'waterproofing'.
THEY did not 'stop' the water from entering, from where its still entering.
Efflorescence, mold and these terds don't STOP the water and COVER the wall(s).
And $20,000? lol Where's are the do-goody-pumpers of inside system who say,claim they are 'alot cheaper' and other bullshttt.

Then near the end where Lisa-Lisa yaps about paint n shttt, this guy says, "If you want this basement DRY you gotta drain that water away"....aka install the one thing they do,inside system. The water is AGAIN, entering the blocks THROUGH openings/cracks on the OUTSIDE.

Concrete tile roof

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 16:07
I inspected a home that was built in 1983. Indications were that a wood shake roof was installed when the home was built. The roof had been replaced with concrete tiles (not sure when, no information available from Realtor, buyer or permit). There was an indication that the roof on the right side of the home appeared to have bowed slightly in the center from top to bottom. The galvanized gutter on the right front of the home appeared to be out of alignment, directing water towards the center of the gutter. The interior ceiling in this area was vaulted, so, of course, no attic to check the structural support. There was no collateral damage observed in the ceiling or the drywall. I suspect that the weight of the concrete tiles may have caused the bowing and gutter issue. What are your thoughts and how would or should you report this? I have attached pictures. Thank you.

By the way, the back side of this roof attic was accessible with 2x8 wood joists, 16" OC. There were no indications of problems on the backside in the attic. The roof was a salt box gable style.
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Happy Easter everyone.

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 06:19
Happy Easter.

Brand of service panel

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 06:02
I inspected the service panel of a 30 year old home. The identification plate had been removed, so was unable to determine the brand of the service panel. No manufacturer name was found on the circuit breakers either. An idea on the manufacturer of this panel? Thanks.
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Losing one to the cheap guys in town

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 05:44
Hi all,

Had an inspection scheduled for Monday am but the buyer found another inspector who specializes in low prices. I'd heard about them before but this is the first time it's mano a mano with them.

The house in question is small and cheap so I think I'll let this one go.
I was going to charge 295.00 but they're charging 185.00!

Galls me to lose an inspection to these bozos but thats the way it is sometimes.


Is this a breach of firewall

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 03:05
This is in the garage of a new home? It is a crawlspace access. Is it a breach of firewall?
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OntarioAchi AGM

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 02:05
The Ontario Association of Certified Home Inspectors is over 1 year old. The AGM date has been set for 15th April, 2013.

All inspectors that wish to attend and vote at this AGM must ensure they have paid their membership to the Association prior to the week before.

Full members will be receiving nomination forms over the next week or two asking for peoples names who are prepared to be Board Members.

There are three open positions on the board this year. Board members must be practicing their profession in Ontario.

You can join here

Iowa Foundation Repair?!@#@!??

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 00:03
How screwed up is this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ](*,)](*,)#-o#-o

YOUR outta your cotton-pickin' melon bro!!!!!!!!

Bowed wall.....EXTERIOR FRIGGIN cracks, water entering through those g damn cracks YET, ole Justin here doesn't get it either, what a FK!

Efflorescence you say is caused by what?????????????? lolOLOLolol

And the dumb shtt says/recommends for this/any like this to drill holes in bottom blocks, let DUHHH water out and put a vapor barrier, a pretty bright white barrier......................what a BUNCH of BULLLSHTTT.

Azz wipe, the water is getting IN those blocks THROUGH exterior cracks, cracked parging etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All YOUR fruity azz wants to do to homeowners is fart around and drill some holes, pftttt and then HIDE the wall with a stooooooooooopid,incompetent CHEAP piece of shtttt vapor barrier. ](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)

WHO the fk recommends, hires these kinds of pumpkin-heads!

Time off...

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 23:02
Is what I'm about to get.
In 40 mins I will board a plane to LAX, spend a couple hours there, then at 11:30pm, I'll be getting on another flight to Melbourne Australia, to come back 10 days later :mrgreen:
If anyone wants a beer (or coffee) on me at LAX, let me me know.

Keep busy inspecting and making money my friends :D

Now accepting Defect Pictures for April

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 21:48
Let us see what you guys have found in the past month.

Accepting Best Defect Pictures for April.

Remember, just one submission per Member, but join in every month to win.


members section

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 19:37
Is any else's member section not available

Citizens 4pt

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 19:08
Does anyone have a fillable pdf version of the Citizens 4pt "Revised" with photo pages? Mine is the older one. I don't normally use this form, but need to in this case.

Ridge vent openings

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 18:55
Is there a specified distance for the roof decking opening when installing a ridge vent?

This seemed excessive and also looks like portions of this is missing the mesh materials.
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Members only section

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 17:13
Is anyone else's member only section not working. It keeps saying I have to join . or its disabled

older brass gas connectors

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 16:59
Could we get a few good photos of these types of connectors? Since they have been determined to be dangerous, it would be nice to know exactly what we're looking for. The government site does not provide a good picture of such connections.

CE courses

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 15:32
Are there additional CE courses besides the ones listed under required and optional? Are any new courses going to be released soon?

We Make It Safer

Sat, 03/30/2013 - 07:22
A Great resource for checking on CPSC recalls for your clients and it's free.

Check out Square-One Inspection Recall page here. :D

Drip edge: Over or under tar paper at the eave?

Fri, 03/29/2013 - 09:02
Vote please... thanks!