Inter Nachi

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This is the official InterNACHI message board.
Updated: 11 years 10 weeks ago

radiant barrier question

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 23:13
opinions on the discoloration on this radiant barrier?
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Will InterNachi training be accepted?

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 20:45
Here is the thread that deals with individual anxiety as to what will happen for possible Licensing. I have pulled it up again to show all Ontario Home Inspectors that you need not fear as most if not all InterNachi courses will most likely be accepted by the Ontario government.
So really you can panic and spend thousands more than you really needed to.
Really with that being said it is in your best interest to at least get close to the minimum training provided by InterNachi provided for a license in Alberta as quickly as possible. Again I stress there is no way of knowing what the Ontario Government will ask for as the minimum.

Laundry sink drain

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 20:24
Is there a particular distance the laundry sink drain should be from the P-trap of the standpipe? Image attached.
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Type B vent termination question

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 19:13
Type B water heater vent terminates into copper stack / cap but is not directly connected. New home. OK? See picture. TY
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HVAC wiring

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 19:08
I'm pretty sure that a/c disconnect wiring must be stranded type not solid. I this the case?

Also, is stranded wire for a 40 amp furnace ok?

Happy birthday Charley Bottger.

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 16:00
Happy birthday Charley.

Number of registered users of this inspector message board just topped 35,000.

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 15:56
That's users who actually registered to use this message board.

Onwards and upwards!

Ohio Training Seminars

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 14:59
Posted with Nick Gromicko permission:

ASHI on The Road Regional Meetings

These training events are FREE to all Associates, ACI’s of ASHI, CRI’s of NAHI, and members of InterNACHI and are approved for 2 CE’s with each association

Northeast Region

When: Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Time: 6:00 – 6:30 PM registration - Training will start promptly @ 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Where: Twinsburg Public Library – 10050 Ravenna Road – Twinsburg, Ohio 44087
Topic: Roofing – New, Old, Residential & Commercial
Speaker: Ken Harrington – Ohio Chapter of ASHI – President

Contact: David Christopher @ 330-815-0013 to register

*Seating is limited - you are strongly encouraged to register!

Southwest Region

When: Thursday, April 25, 2013
Time: 6:00 – 6:30 PM registration - Training will start promptly @ 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Where: Cincinnati State Community College Work Force Development Center – 10100 Reading Road – Cincinnati, Ohio 45241
Topic: HVAC Identification and Inspections, Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners
Speakers: Ken Harrington – Ohio Chapter of ASHI – President & Tim Buell – ASHI National Board of Director

Contact: John Cordell @ 513-793-3552 to register

*Seating is limited - you are strongly encouraged to register!

FREE food, light snacks, Sponsored by Palm-Tech, to be served.

When to actually call a window defective?

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 07:54
I ran into a situation last week that really got me thinking. We know all thermally insulated windows have a shelf life and will begin to have gas leaks at some point in time. If I notice a defective thermal seal within a new window or the common 3-year warranty period than I would definitely consider it defective, however, if a window is far beyond it's warranty and I notice it just starting to lose it's thermal seal, would it really be fair to report it as being "defective"?

Reporting a window as being "defective" will often prompt the buyer to ask for a repair or replacement but it doesn't really seam fair to ask a seller to repair or replace something that's "beginning" to show signs of deterioration but also still functioning as intended. Basically everything in or on the house is "beginning" to become defective when you really stop an think about it.

Over the past few years, I've often reported windows as being defective when noticing thermal patterns indicating an argon gas leak. I believe I've been in slight error in my reporting methods. If something is in the process of going bad due to common aging than it's not really "defective". Wouldn't you agree?

I was scanning a house last week that was 7 years old and noticed a few windows that indicated a thermal seal leak. I decided not to report the windows as being "defective" because they weren't showing signs of condensation, still contained argon gas, were still pressurized and providing an R value, and were beyond the common warranty period.

When you discover windows in the same conditions as these, do you report them as defective or within the Repair or Replace section of the report or just leave it alone?

Sorry for the long post..
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30-06 for below

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 02:25
Please follow link if you need a nice hunting rifle:

Remington 30-06

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 02:23
I have a Remington 30-06 model 740 with a Bushnell 3 X 9 scope with see through scope ring/mounts.

Great condition and a tack driver at 100 yards  Contact me for pictures and to negotiate price.

It was my first 30-06 and I have 2 others since my father passed away so I am willing to sell this one. It has nice fancy checkering on the nice wood stock.

Call me anytime after 10:00am EST 954-922-0584

Throat depth?

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 01:39
I'm having trouble locating a minimum throat depth requirement for interior stair stringers, although I have found a couple of references to 5" for deck stairs. Can anyone cite a reference?
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electrolysis or not on the supply line?

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 00:14
I am not sure which plumber to believe. One says to not be concerned about the green stuff and the other say's it is a leak waiting to happen. what say you?
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Should of brought my Blankie

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 22:57
For my Senior citizen nap the floor was nice and warm.

I sure am seeing a lot of thse heated floors anymore perhaps its the quality of homes ya think
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Expansion Tank

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 20:59
I live in the southeast where about 25% of homes have gas water heaters.
(Florida) are all gas water heaters required to have expansion tank if so where is proper placement of the tank?

Is there a real need for Commercial Inspections?

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 20:11
Bill Warner and I were having breakfast with Nick and Chris this morning.

Nick asks, ....Dale, how much of a need is there for commercial inspections?

About two seconds after Nick asked the question SMOKE started to flow from an air conditioning duct right above Nicks head, we could smell wire burning.

I'm not making this up folks, strike me dead, the God honest truth, I couldn't believe I was watching smoke billowing from the air condition register about two second after Nick asked the question.

We left the restaurant, I could hear sirens walking back to the house Nick rented.

Here is one for John Bubber

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 19:19
A home built in 1952. Homeowner recently spent $7,000+ to install an interior perimeter floor drain system with sump pump because of water leaking through a horizontal crack. The appraiser for the new buyer flagged the crack as a structural problem and I was called to evaluate the issue. Turns out the horizontal crack was a cold joint about 2 foot from top, all the way around the foundation. The wall structure was fine, walls were straight and no signs of shoving. The water seeping through the cold joint was the result of poor surface grading and downspouts discharging next to the foundation. Four downspout extensions and simple grading in one small area was all that was needed.
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commercial insp cost

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 15:28
Is there a average to start at per sq foot like office starts at 10 cents per sq then add the extras or whse starts at 15 cents plus.

Does any one run into bottom feeders like the $150 home inspectors