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Updated: 11 years 30 weeks ago

New logo for Wittco Inspections

Wed, 06/26/2013 - 20:17
InterNACHI Design & Print Services:

Website Design & Support:

Marketing contact:
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Double keyed dead bolt

Wed, 06/26/2013 - 15:36
Is there a rule against having a double keyed deadbolt on an exterior door? Seems like common sence not to due to having to egress a building in an emergency and needing a key to do it could be hazardious to your health. Cant find it in my codecheck book and it comes up from time to time.

Vent Stack Question

Wed, 06/26/2013 - 15:35
In the photos, you'll see a vent stack on the ridge. I'm fairly sure that is acceptable (correct me if I'm wrong). But, the next photo shows a plumbing stack beside the ridge vent. I'm concerned about the ridge vent having a negative effect on the draft of the stack vent. I haven't found anything saying how for a plumbing stack must be from a vented ridge. Is it OK as is or is their documentation (code or otherwise) stating that it's not right?

Thanks in advance,
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newbie needing help

Tue, 06/25/2013 - 06:12
Hey beautiful people!
I'm a young woman who followed her Daddy around as a child and loved watching him build :) now that I'm an adult I started taking it a bit more seriously. This is what I want to do with my life, I know a fair bit about homes and now would like to know more to become a home inspector. and become a successful business woman!

As I start this journey, is there any advice anyone would have? What should I study first? Any study tips?

Thanks so much! Hope to build some good connections!

Hawks win the cup

Tue, 06/25/2013 - 03:26
Great going guys.
Chicago is fireworks central right now.:mrgreen:

Pool inspections

Tue, 06/25/2013 - 03:03
Do you charge for the pool inspection and if so how much?

Thermostats that make a clicking noise

Tue, 06/25/2013 - 01:55
We just had an a/c unit replaced at home and the old unit was a Frigidaire unit with a White Rodgers thermostat. 1999 model

The new unit is a Lennox with a Honeywell Thermostat.

The new unit thermostat clicks twice when the unit comes on and goes off.
The HVAC installer told me that they all do that now because of the relay located in the t-stat.

They say it's more reliable.

Does anyone know if they all click these days? Is there a quieter one available?:shock:

Dryer vent size

Tue, 06/25/2013 - 00:57
See pictures. Dryer vent goes from a standard 4" to something bigger and then back down to 4 inch to exit. Looks like a problem to me, but I'm not sure. Any help with write up language would be much appreciated....
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Thinking of switching from IT to Home Inspection

Tue, 06/25/2013 - 00:32
So here is the back story. Nearly two decades ago I wanted to get into home inspection. I was very young, just starting out, living in an apartment, didn't have any money for training, which although wasn't required by my state (WA) at the time, I wanted to learn how to do it and it cost $2,000 that I didn't have at the time...

So rather than borrow money and screw myself over on something that wasn't a sure thing thus making my situation worse, I decided to go for a traditional four year University degree and got into IT. Fast forward to today. I am financially successful, make six figures, company paid health insurance, I have a few real estate investments, etc.

While I enjoy what I do for a living, I absolutely HATE corporate politics and during the process of buying several homes over the last few years, even in this market, realized that...every home inspector I called was booked solid. It was a real challenge to find one that had any openings!

Furthermore, each time I bought a house, I would talk to them about how much business they got, made per year, hidden costs, etc. Each one I talked to made six figures as well! None of them had a college education, just the basic state licensing requirements training. Some worked in construction before they got into HI, while others got into it from some random industry.

Seeing that they are self employed, generally deal with a client for a few hours during the inspection/report writing/questions and are out in the field rather than stuck in an office, I rekindled the idea of becoming a home inspector.

I figure why not? I have a degree and a lucrative trade to fall back on, and am financially prepared. I could even do it on the side on the weekends for now.

My question is, what do I need to know that I haven't seen/am I crazy? Are there downsides to the job I am not aware of? I know crawling around attics and crawl spaces isn't the most glamarous, but I'd rather do that than deal with corporate BS anymore. Again, I love what I do, but not the people I have to deal with at work.

I've looked into the training required in my area, and while some places seem to be getting rich offering training at 5-15K a pop, I found some places that offer the required training for 3K and are approved by the state. I figure it's a reasonable price to pay and if it doesn't work out, I didn't lose too much. I don't have any reason to not make it work though. Between education costs, truck, equipment, marketing, etc, I have the capital to put into the business.

In any case, if I missed anything, let me know.

Wow, that was fast. FL real estate agents alreadty getting their CE from InterNACHI.

Mon, 06/24/2013 - 21:13

Soon, all real estate agents in the U.S. will get their continuing education online and for free by contacting their local InterNACHI member.

"walk through" just prior to taking possession

Mon, 06/24/2013 - 16:42
In this extremely competitive business, The Financial Toolbox Home Inspections… John Marston is increasing the bundle of services for home buyers. In addition to the IR scan, and the Boroscope where needed, The Financial Toolbox in including a “walk through” just prior to taking possession.
This reduces the stress a little from the fear of buying a “money pit” . In addition, I call from time to time to see if everything is as expected. John Marston home inspector also offers useful “tips” to help the new owners make repairs in a cost effective manner.

We all get kind words from time to time. What is significant about this is that I have added a free service for the purchaser. In French or English, after the inspection lasting about 2hours or so, then another 2 hours or so creating a “show and tell” type of report for the owners to use as a reference…. I add a free “walk through” a couple of days prior to possession.

Here is the result and kind words from one couple… Also, you might notice that I did ask and receive permission to publish their names.


Chris and I take possession of the house on Monday, March 11th and are hoping to do a final inspection on Sunday, March 10th. We are waiting to hear back from our Agent as to when this inspection will take place. Are you available next Sunday? Chris will get back to you with the confirmed date and time. Thank you again for offering to do a final walk-though with us as well, we really appreciate it!

Below is our comments on the work that you did for us.
We have recently purchased our first home and decided that it was in our best interest to have a home inspection done. We heard great things about John Marston from the Financial Toolbox and decided that he would be the best professional to complete our home inspection.
After John completed a professional and detailed home inspection, he took the time to sit down with us to go over his findings and recommendations. Two days after the inspection was complete we received a comprehensive home inspection report from John which included pictures of all the areas he examined. The details included whether the inspected item was in a good, fair or poor condition, along with the materials and his observation. We will definitely keep his inspection report to refer to as we renovate our new home and use it to help us prioritize what needs attention right away versus what can wait. What a great tool to have!
We would recommend John Marston to anyone that is looking for a home inspector. We cannot say enough positive things about his professionalism, accuracy, honesty and efficiency!”””

Hi Linda and Chris

Thank you for your kind words. I will be available on Sunday.

Would you give me permission to use your letter with your name attached?

A bientot


You're welcome. We are more than happy to give you permission to use our names.
I'll let you know the time as soon as we find out. Thank again!

Take care,

New logo for Andrews Inspection Services

Mon, 06/24/2013 - 16:20
InterNACHI Design & Print Services:

Website Design & Support:

Marketing contact:
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Website review

Mon, 06/24/2013 - 13:51
I am still in the early stages of building my website, but have put together a few pages, and still need to add more. I am looking for any tips or ideas you guys may have for me. I know I still need to add contact information, just have not set up the email, or cell # yet so that will come later. Thanks in advance.

Flooding in High River

Mon, 06/24/2013 - 02:21
The town of High River hit pretty hard. This is our house, won't be back for quite a while.
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FHA or VA help

Sun, 06/23/2013 - 22:55
I am asked occasionally if a home will pass a FHA or VA inspection. I let me client know that I don't inspect for the mortgage companies and don't know all the items they are looking for.

I have heard a few requirements, but have nothing to back it up. Does anyone have a list they can share.

It would be a money saver for my clients if I could point out items that would most likely be red flags to the FHA or VA before they invested more money in a FHA/VA appraisal/inspection.

Flir T440BX or Testo 885-2 V-Set

Sun, 06/23/2013 - 17:12
Hello I'm Stelvio Calafiore. I'm an italian engeneer, i'm interesting in buying an infra red camera, nevertheless I am not quite sure which one to buy, this my first one and I am going to use it for the control and maitaince of photovoltaic system (2 MW on the ground), electrical boards and buildings and I do not know which one to get.
The Flir T440B price is 10,450 Euros, and the Testosterone 885-2 V-set 9,000 Euros, both with tele 45 included, testo with super resolution and module wifi included, flir with software flir tools+ and calibration lent included.
So I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages between the both of them, I mean I know the technical details from them but how much those details can influence my work (0,30 mK testo - 0,45 mK flir, android for flir, the different weight, lens protection for testo, 3,5" flir vs 4,3" testo, recognize code qr for The Testo.)
If some one of you used or bought one of them can you tell me your expirenses. Thank you very much indeed!


Sun, 06/23/2013 - 04:50
i HAVE PRINTED IT OUT 3 DAYS WROTE IT BY HAND I CAN ANSWER THE QUESTION WITHIN 15 MINS I HAVE LOOKED THEM UP. I can't pass this darn class. i can even give you the answer from rote memory. what is happening?:twisted: